Pay it forward to a DASCH frontline worker
The DASCH Foundation is proud to be partnering with Salisbury House in a new #SalsPayitForward campaign.
Starting today, diners can support the DASCH Foundation at a Salisbury House location by ordering off of a special “Pay it Forward” menu or by purchasing a $25 gift card, where $7 will be automatically donated back.

This campaign also allows supporters to thank and recognize DASCH’s frontline staff, our Direct Support Workers.
DASCH Direct Support Workers provide individual emotional, physical, social, and vocational support to our clients in a respectful and caring manner. Our DSWs have been working diligently through the disruption of Covid-19 to help our DASCH community remain engaged and safe during this unprecedented time.
With each $25 online donation, your gift will pay it forward and a Salisbury House gift card will be given to a DASCH Direct Support Worker as a token of thanks and recognition. These cards will be distributed by DASCH on your behalf and you will receive a tax receipt for their gift.