DASCH Foundation Wine & Cheese Night with Calabria
November 27, 2024
Thanks to eveyrone who came out to support and to Calabria for donating 10% of their sales from the evening with a total of nearly $1,000! What a wonderful way to kick off the holiday season!
Don’t forget there will be a TipTap machine in-store all December long to give a few bucks to DASCH while holiday shopping!

Join The DASCH Foundation as we kick off the holiday giving season with Calabria Market and Fine Wines.
When: November 27th, 5-8 p.m.
Where: Calabria Market and Fine Wines, 139 Scurfield Blvd
What: Food, drinks, and shopping in support of the DASCH Foundation
Great food, drinks and plenty of wonderful products to browse and get ahead on your holiday shopping.
Calabria Market will graciously be donating ten percent of all purchases during the evening to the DASCH Foundation to help improve the lives of the people DASCH supports and upgrade their homes!
Please RSVP or direct any questions to Leigh at llachance@dasch.mb.ca for this free event by Tuesday, November 26.
If you aren’t able to make it to the event, Calabria will once again be placing a TipTap machine at their store all December long so customers can easily donate to DASCH while they’re checking out.